The CDC has released a COVID-19 Vaccine Training: General Overview of Immunization Best Practices for Health Care Professionals. This is a new, web on-demand, self-paced module for health care [...]
U.S. hospitals slammed with COVID-19 patients are trying to lure nurses and doctors out of retirement, recruiting students and new graduates who have yet to earn their licenses and offering [...]
No better time than Thanksgiving to talk about gratitude—an appreciation of goodness, an acknowledgment that there are things that we are thankful for, things that we receive or experience that [...]
The Institute for Nursing (IFN), in conjunction with photographer DJ Levine and Old York Cellars, has created a series of limited-edition wine labels to raise funds to support the mission and [...]
As COVID-19 cases increase across the country and in New Jersey, the Division of Consumer Affairs (DCA) reminds all health care practitioners of their responsibility to comply with guidelines set [...]
More than 2,000 New Jersey residents are hospitalized because of COVID-19, according to state officials. Coronavirus hospitalizations peaked at just over 8,000 in April during the first wave of [...]
A century ago, Americans weary of the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic marked Thanksgiving with parades and parties. In some cities, throngs of people gathered in a ceremonial tossing away of [...]
About one-third of the approximately 4,000 NPs who responded to the AANP nurse practitioner survey between July 28 and August 9, report their practices are ready for surges in COVID-19 cases. The [...]
Several months ago, I wrote about the celebratory nature of the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. Since then, the COVID-19 pandemic stopped us in our tracks. Our focus has been changed, but not [...]
Last week, Joe Biden announced members of the newly formed COVID-19 task force, a group made up entirely of doctors and health experts, signaling his commitment to using science to bring the [...]