The Healthy Nurse Healthy New Jersey team would like to invite you to a FREE Self-Care Online Workshop hosted by a healthy nurse supporter and wellness advocate, Carol Fahy. Carol will talk [...]
Barbara Gallagher has passionately served the parish community at Woodbury’s Holy Angels Parish for the past three years as one of its three volunteer nurses, helping to organize flu vaccine [...]
The 2020-2021 flu season is going to be one of the most important flu seasons in recent history due to the ongoing pandemic related to COVID-19. There is a heightened awareness to reduce the [...]
The opioid epidemic and the COVID-19 pandemic continue exposing children to trauma that could affect their overall well-being, and potentially lead to drug use and depression. Please join [...]
Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR) upholds family-centered care principles and can result in better family member outcomes; yet it isn’t routinely implemented by nurses. Prior [...]
The New Jersey Department of Health launched the COVID Alert NJ app on October 1. We strongly encourage all health care providers to download and use this app. COVID Alert NJ anonymously alerts [...]
This is a transformational time for the field of nursing. While the pandemic has rearranged nearly every aspect of health care, the impacts on nursing may be the most profound—given that nurses [...]
Moral distress in nursing is a significant problem that needs to be understood and addressed. This paper reports some of the findings from doctoral dissertation work that explored using Freirean [...]
When I think back on my first year as a nurse, I always say two things to myself: “I wish I had written more” and “I wish someone had given me a more realistic how-to manual.” I try to remember [...]
The Lifetime Honorary Membership Award recognizes an individual who has established outstanding service through a lifetime of consistent contributions to the advancement of NAADAC, the addiction [...]