National APN Week

 In Nurses Weekly

This week we recognize the important and dedicated work of the Advanced Practice Nurse. In New Jersey, many organizations are celebrating this week by offering education and networking opportunities. APNs are recognized as healthcare providers by thousands of patients in New Jersey and by millions nationally. Some APNs serve as the sole primary care provider and an integral member of the health care team. Others may care for patients in acute care, long term care, surgical centers and many other settings providing highly skilled and compassionate care.

Advanced practice nurses, play an important role in addressing social determinants of health such as by increasing accessibility to both health and social services. These providers have continued to collaborate with physicians and others even with the Executive order waiving the Joint Protocol Agreement. They should be recognized in their continued unwavering and expert health care.

Join me in thanking and celebrating Advanced Practice Nurses in New Jersey. If you have a story highlighting an APN, I invite you to share it with your state and federal legislators. We need to ensure that they continue to practice without barriers and to the full extent of their education and licensure in our state. Thank you!

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