The first doses of COVID-19 vaccine have arrived at six pre-positioned hospitals in New Jersey. By the end of this week and weekly thereafter, additional vaccine doses are scheduled to arrive and [...]
The CDC developed ready-made materials that can be used to build confidence about COVID-19 vaccination among health care teams and other staff. Materials in the COVID-19 Vaccination Communication [...]
As we continue to face this pandemic together, the New Jersey YMCA State Alliance and the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) have launched a new COVID-19 storytelling project called [...]
Decluttering your home is the key to overall wellness and a new start to a healthier lifestyle. According to Joshua Becker’s “How to Declutter Your Home,” there are 10 creative decluttering tips [...]
The New Jersey COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout, Phase 1A, starts this month and includes paid and unpaid persons serving in health care settings and long-term care residents. Along with receiving [...]
The recent announcement by Pfizer of a potentially effective COVID-19 vaccine has led to great excitement, even though some nurses express misgivings about the speed of COVID-19 vaccine [...]
American Nurses Association President Ernest Grant, PhD, RN, FAAN, and ANA Enterprise CEO Loressa Cole, DNP, MBA, RN, FACHE, NEA-BC, FAAN, have been named to Modern Healthcare’s “100 [...]
As nurses, we learn to deal with a lot of “stuff” and keep moving. But for our health and wellness, it is important to be able to “let go of what no longer serves our highest good.” Here are some [...]
The New Jersey Department of Health is requesting nurses who work and/or live in New Jersey to complete the Nurses COVID-19 Vaccination Stakeholder Engagement Survey. This is a follow-up to the [...]