Future of Nursing Report

 In Nurses Weekly

A new Future of Nursing report by the National Academy of Medicine entitled, “The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity,” outlines key issues and goals for the nursing profession over the next 10 years, with a particular focus on reducing healthcare inequities and improving health outcomes. The key takeaways fall into four major areas:

  1. Permanently remove nurse practice barriers

This includes removing regulatory barriers to nursing like legislation to give full practice authority to APRNs and ending restrictive workplace policies or practices that prevent nurses from practicing to the full extent of their education and training.

  1. Value nurses’ contributions

This includes establishing sustainable and flexible payment mechanisms to support nurses in healthcare, including public health and school nurses, in advancing health equity.

  1. Prepare nurses to tackle and understand health equity

This includes addressing systemic racism in the workplace, increasing the ranks of minority students in schools of nursing, and caring for the needs of an aging and diverse population.

  1. Fully support nurses

This includes implementing systems, structures, and evidence-based interventions to promote nurses’ health and well-being.

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