COVID-19 Vaccination Information

 In Nurses Weekly

Under New Jersey’s COVID-19 Vaccination Plan, vaccine access is given to New Jersey’s Phase 1A Group first. This group includes health care workers, who are paid and unpaid persons serving in health care settings and who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials. Phase 1A also includes long-term care residents and staff.

The New Jersey Vaccine Scheduling System link can be found here.

The following is additional information from the Department of Health (DOH) about the COVID-19 vaccination program:

  1. Letter from New Jersey Department of Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli
  2. Phase 1A Factsheet
  3. List of current New Jersey Vaccine Sites (subject to change)


For more information on COVID-19 vaccine distribution, you may also visit DOH’s portal or the state’s COVID-19 Information Hub.

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