Region Update December 2024

 In News, Regional Site 6

The election for the 2025-2026 Region 6 Board of Directors was conducted online in conjunction with NJSNA elections in November 2024. Newly elected officers of the Board will be installed to their position in January at NJSNA and will be introduced as members of the Board by our new President Sheila Caldwell at the next general membership meeting.

On December 4, the Region held a general membership education meeting at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center in Atlantic City. Region 6 President Terri Ivory presented a brief overview of NJSNA and Region 6 activities to the attendees. Nursing Professional Development Units were offered for the feature presentation “Triaging our Communities with Cultural Competence” by Christian D. Ragland, MPA, ECDHE, Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at AtlantiCare.

If you’d like to become a member of Region 6, or if you are a member but did not receive an email blast about the Region 6 meeting in December, contact Helen Heinmets at

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