June 11th Region 1 meeting
Region 1 had a wonderful in-person meeting and Educational Presentation on Saturday June 11th. Our educational topic was “Administrative Nursing Supervisors: Off Shift Guardians of the [...]
Region 1 had a wonderful in-person meeting and Educational Presentation on Saturday June 11th. Our educational topic was “Administrative Nursing Supervisors: Off Shift Guardians of the [...]
Please join us for a Region 1 in person meeting and Educational Presentation. Topic: “Administrative Nursing Supervisors: Off Shift Guardians of the Hospital” presented by Dan Misa [...]
Please join us for a Region 1 in person meeting and Educational Presentation by Dan Misa:Topic: “Administrative Nursing Supervisors: Off Shift Guardians of the Hospital” June 11, 2022 [...]
A wonderful time was had by all at the annual Don and Diva Gala. Congratulations to all the extraordinary nurses!
A FORENSIC NURSING FORUM 3 Speakers, 2 CEUs Monmouth County venue TBD. For questions related to this event please email reneewaskovich@gmail.com
Wendy Pritchett MSN, RN, OCN, and Karen Kinsley, BSN RN OCN (Region 1 President-elect) led an excellent discussion on Verbal Abuse in the Outpatient Setting and Maintaining a Safe Work [...]
Meeting starts at 6:30PM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87652225462?pwd=b0w2TnM3ZFlueVRIWEhtcWozSk5DQT09 Meeting ID: 876 5222 5462 Passcode: 142177 +19292056099, Passcode142177# US [...]
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88640842303?pwd=dzJiZkNtU2toajA0VXJSbEVSdGtMQT09 Meeting ID: 886 4084 2303 Passcode: 944106 One tap mobile +19292056099,,88640842303#,,,,*944106# US (New York) [...]
Agenda below Zoom link Topic: Region 1 Meeting – Opiate Alternatives used in the field by paramedics Time: Jan 22, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting [...]
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