How Can We Elevate Our Profession?

Doctor and nurse superhero wearing medical masks and red capes. Male and Female medical staff standing face forward. Isolated on purple. Flat Art Vector Illustration
We as nurses want to see our profession thrive and be prepared for the future. We as individuals can take actions that will lead to advancements in nursing as a whole. These steps on their own may not seem like much, but the following can lead to long-term change and elevate the profession.
Belong to Associations
Many associations are now holding online or virtual meetings so networking and participation is still possible. Even belonging to associations in one’s personal life lead to socializing and can prevent career burnout.
Continue Your Education
Stay up to date within your specialty – CEUs for RN license renewals are not sufficient. Take courses or go to seminars (check if your employer reimburses).
Mentor New Nurses
Mentoring can mean on-the-job or more formally through a college or vo-tech school. By teaching what we know, the mentor actually learns more through questions, explaining procedures and processes.
Write Letters
Letters to those in Congress or governors can focus on concerns within your state or the county as a whole. If you’re unsure how to craft a letter, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing has a user-friendly template that nurses can use.
Continue to Project a Professional Image
The public trusts nurses for their knowledge, compassion, and ethics. Nurses must continue to uphold our reputation and our code of ethics to keep those who are ill safe. By maintaining our individual nursing practice, we in turn elevate the profession. A part of maintaining our individual practice is self-care and recognizing our strengths, weaknesses and limitations. Nurses must realize that by keeping up with our self-care and addressing burnout, we can give more of ourselves and further build up the profession.