Welcome to Region 4

Atlantic 6 Bergen 2 Burlington 5 Camden 5 CapeMay 6 Cumberland 5 Essex 3 Gloucester 5 Hudson 2 Hunterdon 4 Bucks County, PA 4 Mercer 4 Middlesex 4 Monmouth 6 Morris 1 Ocean 6 Passaic 1 Salem 5 Somerset 4 Sussex 1 Union 3 Warren 1

Letter from the Region 4 President

Welcome to the NJSNA Region 4 Microsite. Region 4 is comprised of Mercer, Bucks, Hunterdon, Somerset, and Middlesex counties. The Region 4 Board and its members have developed and maintained this site as a way to gather information about nursing and to showcase the great work that nurses in Region 4 are doing.

I am excited to begin my role as President of Region 4 and look forward to working with all the talented nurses in our region. I would also like to extend congratulations to our new board members: Donna Penn as President-Elect, Maureen Clark-Gallagher as Past President, Hilda Aluko as Treasurer, Bernadette Alexander as VP Membership, Nowai Brapoh as VP Education, Nora Krick as Member-at-Large for Hunterdon, and Megan Chan as Member-at-Large for Somerset.

I want to express my gratitude to Maureen Clark-Gallagher and Beth Knox for volunteering their time during 2023. Maureen graciously accepted the responsibilities of Acting President and led the board throughout the year. Beth Knox resumed the position of President-Elect for 2023 and did an excellent job maintaining that role and putting together an amazing annual in-person meeting and educational event. Thank you, Maureen and Beth, for your hard work for Region 4.

In 2024, NJSNA Region 4 will continue to hold monthly meetings and educational events, which are open to nurses throughout our region. Virtual meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm. We will also have in-person meetings starting in the spring – more to come on that. If you are interested in participating, please email njsnaregion444@gmail.com to receive a Zoom link for the meeting.

The Region 4 Board is committed to supporting all nurses in our community. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to stay updated on our latest news.

Ginnette Watkins-Keller DNP, RN, OCN, NEA-BC

President, Region 4

New Jersey State Nurses Association




Please join us for the Region 4  Virtual Annual Meeting and Education on

Thursday, November 14, 2024 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Presentation:  The Celebrations and Challenges of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists (GLP-1RAs) Beyond Type 2 Diabetes: A Call to Action

Presenter: Melissa V. Moreda MSN, APRN, ACCNS-AG, CDCES, CNRN, SCRN
Diabetes Clinical Nurse Specialist /Educator
Duke Raleigh Hospital

Please see the attached flier for details

Upcoming Events

Region 6 Meeting

February 12 @ 7:00 pm - February 12 @ 8:00 pm

Region 6 Meeting

March 13 @ 7:00 pm - March 13 @ 8:00 pm
Stay Connected

News & Blogs

Nurse2Nurse has returned !!!

To care for others, you need to take care of yourself. Nurse2Nurse provides confidential, compassionate peer support services from active and retired nurses – professionals who have walked in your shoes. We provide one-on-one support, wellness webinars, virtual support groups and more. Let’s connect –...[...]

November 4, 2023 NJSNA Region 4 Annual meeting livestream video

NJSNA 11/04/2023 - YouTube Agenda:  Welcome to all attendees to the 2023 Region 4 Annual Meeting -Maureen Clark Gallagher, Acting Region 4 President Introduction of NSNA Board Members present: Maureen Clark-Gallagher Introduction of Region 4 Board Members: Maureen Clark-Gallagher Introduction of Dr. Barbara Wright: Dr....[...]

The New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA) supports minimum nurse staffing standards to ensure safe, quality care for the citizens of New Jersey. NJSNA specifically supports the staffing bill circulating in Trenton (A4536/S304)

  The New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA) supports minimum nurse staffing standards (a minimum number of nurses-to-patients), to ensure safe, quality care for you, the citizens of New Jersey. NJSNA appreciates the nurses across the state who are advocating for safe staffing levels in...[...]

2022 & 2023 Night Shift Fall Back Celebration

Around the world, nurses are needed to work the night shift. Patients in acute, subacute, and long-term care settings require nurses to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Working at night, outside the regular routines of society, disrupts nurses’ circadian rhythms and...[...]

Nurses and Community Engagement

Nurses and Community Engagement.  This section is focused on engaging with your community whether virtually or in-person. Educate members of your community on what nurses do beyond the bedside — advocacy, shaping public policy, or serving as organizational board members, among other duties. Encourage them...[...]

Nurses and Professional Development

Nurses and  Professional Development. Per the ANA, "Access resources and insights to guide you in your professional development. Focus on how you can excel and lead in your nursing career or inspire and help others in their professional nursing journey." Please read Region 4 VP...[...]

Nurses and Recognition

Nurses and  Recognition. We honor the work of nurses who lead, excel, and innovate, not only in our health care systems but also in our communities which makes them vital to transforming the future of health care.   Please read Region 4 Dr. Kari Mastro's inspirational...[...]

Nurses and self-care

Nurses and  Self- care: Nurses are encouraged to cultivate and maintain optimal mental health  and physical well- being.  Please read Region 4  member Megan Filoramo's  informative and concise article on article on self- care. https://njsna.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/week-1-self-care-megan-filoramo-1.pdf[...]

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Member Resources/Newsletters

NJSNA Region 4 education program on Self Awareness, Peer Support, and Moral Injury was presented by Nurse2Nurse to membership on March 10, 2022

A previously recorded session is available on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/dSsCqMfyH-k.

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Please celebrate Nurses Week with Region 4's educational program

Reclaiming Your Happiness Without Changing Your Job: 5 Steps for Nurses was presented by  Megan Filoramo, MSN, APN-C Nurse Coach and Region 4 Member on Thursday, May 12.

Here is the link to the presentation. Please take the time to view this wonderful presentation




You can access Megan’s site at  Nursing Beyond the Job, LLC


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Our annual meeting was held virtually on November 10, 2022 from 6:30-9:30 pm. We had 23 attendees from several NJSNA regions, students, and mentors from Thomas Edison State University.  In addition to the informational annual meeting, an education program was held.

Speakers were Dawn Alerassool, DNP, RN, CNE Assistant Dean Undergraduate Nursing Programs, Thomas Edison State University School of Nursing & Health Professions and Cornelia Gilpin, DNP, RN, NEA-BC Director, Professional Practice, Englewood Hospital. Dr. Nowai L. Brapoh moderated the program entitled “What’s Next with the NCLEX: Implications for Education and Practice”. One contact hour was awarded to each participant who attended the presentation.



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Congratulations to three Region 4 members who are Divas!!

On April 7, 2022,  three Region 4 members were honored as at the Institute for Nursing’s annual Diva and Dons Gala.  Our congratulations to Linda Carroll  (Vice President of Patient Care Services   and Chief Nursing Officer at St. Peter’s Healthcare System), Avril Keldo (Director, Professional Practice Saint Peter’s University Hospital), and Amita Avadhani (Associate Professor, Rutgers University , Newark).


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Thomas Edison State University Presidential Award for Distinguished Service

Dr. Ana Maria Catanzaro, Region 4 member and Associate Dean of the Thomas Edison State (TESU) W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing and Health Professions, was honored with the TESU Presidential Award for Distinguished Service for her contributions to the University to advance its mission and strategic plan and for her ongoing service to the local community by organizing TESU students and staff to help vaccinate more than 11,000 Trenton residents against COVID-19.

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2022 Nurses Month Week 1 Self-Care

Week one is Self care: This week is dedicated to cultivating and maintaining optimal mental health  and physical well being. 

Please read Megan Filoramo’s  informative and concise article on article on self care




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2022 Nurses Month Week 2 Recognition

Week 2  Focuses  on Recognition. We honor the work of nurses who lead, excel, and innovate, not only in our health care systems but also in our communities which makes them vital to transforming the future of health care.  

Please read Kari Mastro’s inspirational essay titled  You Make A Difference.



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2022 Nurses Month Week 3 Professional Development

Week 3  Focuses  on Professional Development. Per the ANA, “Access resources and insights to guide you in your professional development. Focus on how you can excel and lead in your nursing career or inspire and help others in their professional nursing journey.”

Please read Region 4 VP of Education Nowai L. Keleekai-Brapoh’s  inspirational essay titled Professional Development: Education…and then Some!



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Happy Nurses Month from Region 4 Week 4 Community Engagement

Week 4  focuses on engaging with your community whether virtually or in-person. Per the ANA, “Educate members of your community on what nurses do beyond the bedside — advocacy, shaping public policy, or serving as organizational board members, among other duties. Encourage them to support current and future nurses.”

Please read Region 4’s Member at Large for Middlesex County Marge Drozd’s inspirational essay on this subject week-4-community-engagement-marge-drozd

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Healthy Nurses Walk on September 18, 2022

Many Region 4 nurses  participated in the  September 18, 2022 Healthy Nurses Walk . Pictured here are Beth Knoz ( Past President), Hilda Aluko (Treasurer), and Amita Avadhani (Region 4 member ).  A great time was had by all!!

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Check-out the  editions of the Region 4 past newsletters.




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Regional By-Laws

The 2023 Region 4 Bylaws are now available.

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Additional Resources

Looking for more information and resources? Check out these books, podcasts, and materials!

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55 reasons to join and stay a member of NJSNA!!



Silhouette hands connecting jigsaw puzzle piece against sunrise, Business solutions, teamwork, partnership, success, goals and strategy concepts. sunrise stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images


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Board of Directors

Ginnette Watkins-Keller, President

Maureen Clark-Gallagher, Past President

Donna Penn, President Elect

Hilda Aluko, Treasurer

Manda DiRubbo, Secretary

Bernadette Alexander, VP Membership

Laura Sullivan,  VP Communications

Tracy Vitale, VP Policy & Practice

Chantel Hale, VP Nominations & Elections

Nowai Keleekai-Brapoh, VP Education

Nora Krick, Member-at-Large Hunterdon

Lisa Camacho, Member-at-Large Mercer and Bucks County PA

Margaret Drozd, Member-at-Large Middlesex

Megan Chan, Member-at-Large Somerset

24/7 Crisis Hotline for Impaired Nurses - 1-800-662-0108