Welcome to Region 5

Atlantic 6 Bergen 2 Burlington 5 Camden 5 CapeMay 6 Cumberland 5 Essex 3 Gloucester 5 Hudson 2 Hunterdon 4 Bucks County, PA 4 Mercer 4 Middlesex 4 Monmouth 6 Morris 1 Ocean 6 Passaic 1 Salem 5 Somerset 4 Sussex 1 Union 3 Warren 1

Letter from the President

Greetings nurses of NJSNA Region 5!

I call all NJSNA nurses from Burlington, Camden, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties to join your fellow nurses in support of the mission of our State Nurses Association to promote the profession of nursing, advance the practice of nursing, and advocate for nurses. NJSNA achieves our mission through our members’ activities in education, policy development, leadership, professional, representation, and workplace advocacy. I know many of you have participated in many of these activities and you have made your commitment to our profession by becoming a member. I encourage you to take your commitment a step further by becoming more active in NJSNA and sharing your activities with your fellow members.

NJSNA Region 5 meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month via Zoom. We would love to hear your voice and have you talk about all you are doing to promote the nursing profession. Generally, we meet in person in May and November. Those meetings include an educational presentation and attendees earn 1 CEU! Please email us at NJSNARegion5@gmail.com to receive the Zoom link for the meeting.

In the state of New Jersey, and across the country, there are several crises facing nurses. As your Region 5 president, I welcome your ideas and strategies to help our profession not only survive, but thrive. My nursing career has spanned just over 30 years, including academic leadership, academia, clinical leadership, and many years of direct patient care.

Please take advantage of the benefits of your membership to NJSNA and the ANA. Explore the ANA and NJSNA websites. There are myriad opportunities for education, support, and involvement.

I look forward to getting to know you and to supporting you and our colleagues in our profession! The Board and I are here for you.

Please follow Region 5 on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Kristin Meloche Sagedy PhD, RN, CEN
President, Region 5
New Jersey State Nurses Association

Upcoming Events

Region 6 Board Meeting

March 13 @ 7:00 pm - March 13 @ 8:00 pm

IFN Devils Nurses Night

March 20 @ 7:00 pm - March 20 @ 9:00 pm
Stay Connected

News & Blogs

Member Resources/Newsletters

“Zoom Navigation and Opportunities for Remote Nursing Positions”

Virtual Conference: October 14, 2021 
Featuring Dr. Valera Hascup and Dr. Tess Medina

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Board of Directors

President- Kristen Sagedy 
Secretary-Melissa Hermanson
Treasurer-Rachael Jennings
Education Director-Hazel Dennison
INPAC-Cecelia Kane
Membership – Marilyn Mapp
COPP Representative- Paula Greenbaum
Resolutions Commitee- Barbara McCormick
VP for Communications-Christine Savini

24/7 Crisis Hotline for Impaired Nurses - 1-800-662-0108