Welcome to our Region 1 webpage. Region 1 is a very active group of professional nurses. We enjoy supporting continuing education endeavors and encouraging student involvement. We participate in various volunteer opportunities throughout the year within our four counties (Morris, Sussex, Warren, and Passaic). Visit our event calendar frequently for upcoming opportunities to give back to our community. Our meetings are held in each county on a rotating basis. I speak on behalf of our Board of Directors when we welcome your attendance at our meetings.
To share a little about myself…. I have been a healthcare provider for over 33 years. I graduated with my BSN at Trenton State College and completed my MSN in Patient Safety and Quality at Southern New Hampshire University. I began my career as an Oncology Nurse at St. Mary’s Hospital, Hoboken, NJ. I worked as an Oncology Case Manager at St. Barnabas Medical Center for their Outpatient Cancer Center and am now a Clinical Oncology Nurse (CNIII) at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center @ Basking Ridge for 25 years on the infusion unit as a treating nurse, verification nurse, and charge nurse.
I enjoy participating in many professional organizations, including the Oncology Nursing Society, the American Nursing Association, and the Infusion Nursing Society. I am passionate about workplace violence, especially verbal abuse in our healthcare system, bringing awareness, support, and education to all healthcare providers and the institutions that they work for. I am also enthusiastic about research and evidence-based knowledge to share with my colleagues. Throughout the years, I have had publications in several evidence-based journals with another colleague. I am on the National Workplace Violence Prevention Committee, part of the ANA Nursing Practice & Work Environment Division. I am also actively involved in MSK’s Evidence-Based SEEK Program as a co-mentor for nurses interested in learning more about evidence-based practice and making process changes to enhance professional practice and the patient’s experience.
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking, traveling, and relaxing with a good book.
I look forward to meeting you at our next Region 1 meeting.
Karen Kinsley MSN RN OCN
NJSNA Region 1 President 2024-2025